1. 2023-01-15 Protected culture

    Published: Sun 15 January 2023
    By Goran

    In Blog.

    Protected culture

    I have always been interested in cultures. In the past, I travelled a lot, and contributed an inordinate abount of carbon to our common atmosphere. Everywhere I came, I tried to learn some language, customs, traditions, norms and values. In some respects, people are people everywhere, but there …

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  2. 2022-12-27 Reflections in snow

    Published: Tue 27 December 2022
    By Goran

    In Blog.

    Cold and dry

    We have had two weeks of splendid weather. Cold and dry and beautiful.

    Some days the mercury dipped below -15C, which is quite unusual here in Southern Sweden. Therefore, we have taken every opportunity to enjoy the freshness of the snow and the silhouettes from the frost …

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  3. 2022-12-17 Bugger for the bottle

    Published: Sat 17 December 2022
    By Goran

    In Blog.

    Bottle madness

    Being back in Sweden after 20 years living abroad, I notice some things that have improved and others that have degenerated or decayed. One of the disappointments flew in my face when I biked off to buy beer.

    I realized that almost all beer in my local supermarket …

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  4. 2022-12-03 Planting Trees

    Published: Sat 03 December 2022
    By Goran

    In Blog.

    Pre-planting surprise

    To grow healthy trees, it is good to remove rhizomatic weeds like quack grass before planting. I tried the method of "tarping". In September, I put large plastic sheets to cover blocks of the newly fertilized and tilled field. The plan was to solarize (block sunshine) the soil …

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  5. 2022-11-30 Getting Trees

    Published: Wed 30 November 2022
    By Goran

    In Blog.

    Going back to get trees

    Now that the days are getting shorter and Nature is slowing down, trees are losing their leaves and go into winter rest. The trees suck nitrogen from their leaves, and shed the empty hulls. All the nutrients are stored in the roots and in the …

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  6. 2022-11-13 Pathway to a better future

    Published: Sun 13 November 2022
    By Goran

    In Blog.

    A pathway...

    Sometimes, I wonder how a pathway to a better life after the ecological transition will look like. I dream about the "RetroSuburbia" world that Holmgren has depicted. I fantasize about the "Local Futures" of Helena Norberg-Hodge. And sometimes I see a fragment of a better future, that has …

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  7. 2022-11-08 Chipping away

    Published: Tue 08 November 2022
    By Goran

    In Blog.

    The Chipper

    I love trees. And I also love wood-chips. Is there a contradiction here, maybe? Wood chips are excellent soil improvement agents, and can be used to cover soil and strengthen soil life. Especially chips made from "ramial wood" is supposed to be excellent. At least according to the …

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  8. 2022-11-02 Frost

    Published: Wed 02 November 2022
    By Goran

    In Blog.


    Last week we had the first frosty mornings and we just shifted from daylight savings time back to solar time. I hope this is the last time.

    It seemed like a good idea in 1980, when it was introduced. It was done on the back end of the second …

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  9. 2022-10-26 New Found Friends

    Published: Wed 26 October 2022
    By Goran

    In Blog.

    Same, same, but still different

    I moved out of this country 20 years ago and now I am back. Sometimes, it feels like time has stopped here in the countryside. Especially on a cold autumn morning with the first frost of the year:


    We are here, my wife M and …

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  10. 2022-10-19 The best things are free

    Published: Wed 19 October 2022
    By Goran

    In Blog.

    Free and libre

    One of the great things this summer and early autumn has been to taste new apple varieties. Not in any kind of shop or orchard, but along the old roads and railways in the neighbourhood. There are apple trees every kilometer or so, full of summer-ripe fruit …

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  11. 2022-10-02 A Walk in the woods

    Published: Sun 02 October 2022
    By Goran

    In Blog.

    A walk in the woods

    Last week-end I took a walk in the woods with my old mates David and Linus. We walked for two days on a trail that runs along the southern edge of my municipality.

    My municipality Laholm is approximately of the same size as the province …

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  12. 2022-09-25 Harrowing Times

    Published: Sun 25 September 2022
    By Goran

    In Blog.

    Harrowing times

    harrowing /ˈharəʊɪŋ/ adjective - acutely distressing.

    These are times that rip through the fabric of the illusion of normality. What we knew in the past is no longer true. New realities will congeal, but I think that we are not yet there. We are stuck in several dilemmas.

    Families …

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  13. 2022-09-18 Looking ahead

    Published: Sun 18 September 2022
    By Goran

    In Blog.

    Looking ahead

    As a world economy, we are addicted to fossil fuels, of which we are running short. Not to talk about the climate chaos. The 50 years anniversary of the "Limits to Growth" this year has sadly been a celebration of stupidity. We (globally) have tracked the "business-as-usual" scenario …

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  14. 2022-09-16 Nut trees in Sweden

    Published: Fri 16 September 2022
    By Goran

    In Blog.

    Nut trees in Sweden

    We are starting up our new nut tree nursery here in South-West Sweden and the two most common questions are:

    • Can I really grow chestnut and walnut trees here?

    • When can I buy one?

    ... since we obviously answer the first one affirmative.

    The chestnut and walnut …

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  15. 2022-09-09 Trees fall

    Published: Fri 09 September 2022
    By Goran

    In Blog.

    I love trees.

    Trees are fountains of life, as Akiva Silver sometimes writes(Trees of Power,2019). They transform two-dimensional, flat landscapes into lush, richly textured ecosystems brimming with life.

    Trees come in all shapes and colors, quick growing pioneers and slow maturing climax species. Trees with fragrant flowers. Trees …

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  16. Summer Tasks

    Published: Sun 28 August 2022
    By Goran

    In Blog.

    Carpentry and consumption

    We have the warmest summer in years, and almost every day we can work outside. We fixed the gutters and got a dehumidifier into the too-humid basement, ticking off task after task on the ever-growing todo-list.

    Every carpentry task is yet another excuse to go and get …

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  17. First month

    Published: Mon 15 August 2022
    By Goran

    In Blog.

    A full moon into the journey

    A month in the new house, lots of impressions. We finally found our mailbox, so that we could read up on all the letters and wonderful wish-well cards we got.

    We live just south of a small town. It was a medieval center of …

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  18. First week

    Published: Thu 21 July 2022
    By Goran

    In Blog.


    Now we are here. After years of preparation, dreaming, false starts and new ideas. We bought our own farmlet where we have space to expand all our activities. Tree plantings. Non violent communication-trainings. Cooking and eating with friends and family. Vegetable garden. Maybe one day a root cellar.

    I …

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