Those who look reality in the eye and share their observations often get flak. "Party pooper". "Negative attitude". "Cassandra".
I like the humor and irony of the excellent thinker Ugo Bardi calling his old blog Cassandra's legacy.
Most people don't want to know.
For five hundred years, we have been waging a war on Nature, and now the end-game is in sight. We are winning.
We powerful men of European white descent, have relentlessly fought, generation after generation. We have built bridges and dams to restrain rivers. We have covered …
Trees are amazing. From the tiniest birch seed a mighty woodland wonder can emerge. From a throw-away apple core, another tree can sprout, to give bounty over generations.
What is not very natural is: moving trees. In Nature, this almost never happens. Trees stand where they stand …
October is the month of chestnuts. Maybe October even means chestnut in latin? No, it means eighth month, which was true a long time back, but no longer.
Like many truths that were true in old times long time gone but no longer accurate. Statements like "growth is …
Apples are the quintessential fruit in Scandinavia. It was introduced all the way from Central Asia to Sweden more than 4500 years ago, during the stone age. The oldest archeological finds are from 2500 BCE. Apples are still the most grown fruit, present in many private …
I like peppers. They grow great in our hoop house and they look amazing.
We have several varieties, from 'Long slim' to 'Cayenne' and a few that have long lost their providence, but we keep seeding. They change over time, of course, due to cross-pollination with each other …
Once upon a time, we taught our children that there are consequences for our actions. The debts we took on had to be paid back. There was a lot of talk about responsibility (in the personal kind, not the blame-someone-else type of responsibility rants …
In the entertaining book "Fruit for Life" by Tim Foster, he tells about the old rhyme to prune the prunes (e.g. plums, cherries, abricots etc.) in June. The old cherry tree gave two cherries this year, and they are long gone, so now would be a good …
We live in a time of slow and inevitable collapse, as the most excellent blogger Chris eloquently describes from his small-farm, small-business perspective from the other side of the planet. We have been overloading the planet for fifty years and the ecosystems start to unravel. At the …
Many of my old friends think that we are crazy who moved to a farm, just outside a forgotten small town. What could possibly be interesting out there?, they scoff.
When I talk to old buddies, from my engineering past, they …
All over Europe, farmers protest.
The tension between the central urban power and the weakened periphery is growing.
For decades, the cities have amassed wealth, power and privilege, while ignoring and exploiting the countryside folks.
The urban elites with academic diplomas have taken over most political parties.
Even …
This month I am re-reading the most excellent book Overshoot by William R. Catton. If you have not read it yet, make a note to get a copy from your local library, and read and reflect.
The predicament of our Civilization is long in the making …
This fall and winter, we have intermittently worked on our sunny room. It is the south-most room in the old part of our house, built in the 1800s. We chose to put in large new windows in the hitherto window-less south wall of our house …
I would like to start with a winter story I heard a few times when I lived in Russia in the 1990s. It was an anecdote about the poor results of state-led allocation of resources.
"In the Soviet Union times, the government resource …
It was a month with record low sunshine. 29 hours, according to the statisticians. One hour per day.
The rest of the time it was gray, and quite a few of those long, drizzling rain days.
We did get started on some outdoor projects. The most …
In October the walnuts and the chestnuts are ripe here in Southern Sweden. This summer, we have been biking around the villages in around here and talking to people with nut trees in their gardens to ask if we could come and harvest later. Everyone we …
From times immemorial, there have been sayings in the style of: "as you sow, you shall reap". Ominous words, indicating that you get your just deserts when fall comes.
Those of us who are eager and optimistic infallibly sow more than is practical to harvest. Especially in …
August came and went. It is usually the warmest month, but this year we had not a single day reaching 30C. After a very dry early summer, we have had for almost every day in both July and August. Very unusual weather. One day we had …