2023-04-30 King of Spades

Published: Sun 30 April 2023
By Goran

In Blog.

Crazy April

It has been a crazy month. Very busy. Very good. Sometimes deeply sad, sometimes joyfully exuberant.

We give a ten day, whole year training on growing nuts, at Holma Folkhögskola, my friends Johanna, Anders and me.

. Here we are at Anders' place Rydeholm.

. Anders shows one of the 10 year old grafted chestnut trees. It grows 1 meter per year in the protected park.

. A happy customer, O., who just got some trees.

. Anders demonstrates a way to measure land distance, 2m at a step, with quite high accuracy, using a "famnamått".

Dutch days

We went to the Netherlands over Easter to meet family and friends and I spent a few days at my first nursery in Soest.

. Maja and Marcel grafting chestnuts, with French hybrid varieties.

. I spent a couple of afternoons grafting trees. I love it.

King of Spades

. My friends Marcel and René helped me to get my tools in order.

. Now you know who is king of spades: it is my friend René, who invented this system!

Reach out

. I participated in the Food Innovation Forum in Malmö, Sweden, to find other players who want to contribute to a nut value chain. I met quite a few enthousiasts!

Growing season starts

We have had a strange season. March was exceptionally warm, and April has been quite cold. Just a few days with sunshine.

. The first chestnut seedlings start to pop out in the air-pruning-beds.

. We planted out hundreds of hazelnut bushes and walnut trees in the field.
