Now we are here. After years of preparation, dreaming, false starts and new ideas. We bought our own farmlet where we have space to expand all our activities. Tree plantings. Non violent communication-trainings. Cooking and eating with friends and family. Vegetable garden. Maybe one day a root cellar.
I guess I should extol our new place with all it's virtues and why this is the best place in the world to be at this time, but truth is that I don't know. I am overwhelmed with all impressions from the first days here, and there are more questions than answers in my head right now.
I wish I could say that we had everything under control and that these young cows (heifers) were part of our operation. Fortunately for them, they belong to our neighbour who knows much more about cows than we do.
A couple of days ago, the moving company truck arrived with all our boxes and we have lots of furniture to assemble and boxes to unpack. Fortunately, we got a local company to connect us right away to the internet.
Next week our first wwoofer will arrive and everything is chaotic. I hope he will enjoy the mess. At least we have wifi and lots of things to do.